What a Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!! As Hogmanay (Scottish for New Years Eve) approaches, I find myself (like many others) looking back. I can't believe how much has changed in such a short period of time. And all of it, forces me grow in ways I never knew were possible. Honestly, sometimes I wish I had a simpler life where I didn't have to accommodate or adjust and learn tolerance so often.
However, it's always been said that nothing precious comes easily.
This year, I faced the potential of losing my uterus, the non-ability to have children just as I found someone who wanted to love me, marry me and have a family with me. I experienced a few near death situations and luckily for me, I had friends, truly soulful people, who were there when push came to shove.
Thankfully, surgery went well; I didn't lose one of the most basic attributes of my womanhood and my people were there to support and celebrate with fervor. Hopefully, I've been just as supportive and loving to them in their time of need. If not, then what are we here for?? What's the point of it all?

In May, I moved to Scotland and my American-centric ways are continuously challenged. (Actually, the hardest stuff for me was suffering through Scottish folk music, bagpipes, and their incessant love of bluegrass music!) It's so easy to get up on your high horse and sneer at others when they just don't fit your understanding of the world. I miss my friends, I miss my black community, and Americana pop culture.
But patience and silence, coupled with open ears and heart, appear to be my best tactics.
In the meantime, I've met some wonderful new people, slowly finding a new black community and making friends, who I hope to know for many years and grow to love as much as I do my people back home.
While trying to wrap my head around new love, new life, I still am writing my dissertation (arrghh!!!) that I must complete in the first half of 2007. But then, bam! I got pregnant!

Sadly, I've parted ways with some who I thought truly cared for me but in reality, lived for every moment to slice and hurt me.
Never underestimate the power of jealousy and what it will drive a person to say or do.
But thankfully, there are some amazing people that I'm privileged to have in my life. People who I would travel half-way around the world to see at their wedding.
Believe it or not, I attended a wedding of good friends who are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. Some people really do live that sickeningly sweet Julia Roberts wedding movie! Even their friends are almost as beautiful as they are.
As of this month, I've gotten married (only a civil service so I can stay in the country), and I'm feeling my baby kicking and squirming around. Andy and I briefly did a jaunt to New Orleans for that wedding and then South Florida so that he could meet my family. And how they loooooved him. Sickening, really.

Haitians are soooo easy to impress: eat our food with gusto and we're yours! Granted, we do have some slammin' food. And Andy is easy to love. Andy quickly grew accustomed to hearing Haitian Creole randomly dispersed throughout our conversations. Much can get lost in translation and honestly, some things just mean more when said in their original language.
Still, it was mighty hard to leave the sand, sun, and warm waters for Scotland again. All this cold weather, dark, cloudy and foggy days can really take it out of you! Not to mention, the depressing Christmas orientated specials on tv (see my previous post for further explanation)!!
Most importantly, this year would not have been possible without the love and support of my man, all my friends, family, colleagues, and professors. It has been a terrifying and amazing life--one that was possible to survive and actually enjoy with their love. Nothing is certain in life except death. However, my people make the future less daunting. While still scared, I can actually look forward to it with a smile.
I am, because they are there for me.
Most importantly, this year would not have been possible without the love and support of my man, all my friends, family, colleagues, and professors. It has been a terrifying and amazing life--one that was possible to survive and actually enjoy with their love. Nothing is certain in life except death. However, my people make the future less daunting. While still scared, I can actually look forward to it with a smile.
I am, because they are there for me.