Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baby Bear's First Birthday!!

As some of you know and care, Ruben turned 1 earlier in the month. I can't even tell you what that meant to me. It meant that I was able to keep that boy alive and well without doing him or myself any permanent injuries. And for that-- we needed to celebrate.

You know, I never really got the whole party for a baby thing. They are too young to understand what's going on, much less remember such an occasion. But I know now that it's really for the parents. It's a public proclamation of survival and success. "We didn't kill my child!!! Yeah for us!!"

The festivities went on the Cinco de Mayo theme, so Mexican food and drinks! The snacks were there: salsa, sour cream, and tortilla chips. We also made signifiacnt culinary effort: Non-alcoholic white sangria for the kiddies; watermelon margaritas and cold, lager beer for the older kids; 7-layered Mexi dip (apparently, many Brits have yet to enjoy this dish over here) and bbq ribs/chicken were a big hit; so were the spicy shrimp wraps and veggie wraps.

Birthday cake: lemon (sponge) with lemon buttercream frosting. The birthday cake was made by the Mitchells from Kenmore, a lovely little village beyond Aberfeldy. They made our wedding cake last year that people are still raving about!

Ruben got lovely gifts from his friends and family. His older friends helped him open the presents which as much fun for them as it was for Ruben:

The suckiest part was all the cleaning we had to do afterwards. We were all exhausted hours later. But so what? My BabyBear had a great time with his biggest fans.


At May 29, 2008, 7:51:00 AM, Blogger Twanna A. Hines | said...

I've said this before, but your little one is BEAUTIFUL!!! :)

At May 30, 2008, 2:04:00 AM, Blogger John Schaefer said...

Happy Birthday Ruben! Congrats Peggy and Andy!

At Jun 1, 2008, 12:28:00 PM, Blogger dmarks said...

Happy Birthday Baby Bear!

At Jun 15, 2008, 5:06:00 PM, Blogger Slutty McWho? said...

Hello, Peggy! I hope that you, Andy and Ruben got back to Scotland safe and sound. It was really lovely to meet you all. I still can't get over how smart Ruben is. That boy is going to grow up to be a total genius. I hope it wasn't too hot for him in the cafe. I'm sorry, I should have thought of that before, but I'm just not used to thinking about babies. After you left, one of the guys sitting behind us made a comment about Ruben and how quiet and well-behaved he was.

At Jun 16, 2008, 3:22:00 PM, Blogger Dori said...

Your son is just gorgeous!!! I love that smile.

At Jun 18, 2008, 5:23:00 PM, Blogger Shandra said...


I found your blog on the Black Women in Europe blog. I am a Haitian American planning to move to Scotland next year with my family. I just wanted to learn more about living there and make some contacts prior to relocating. I also have a blog on Blogspot, which badly needs an update, but at least you can put a face to this email. The address is Please contact me and let me know if you are willing to chat.


At Jun 18, 2008, 10:57:00 PM, Blogger Peggy Brunache said...

God...jetlag sucks...anyway:

FBC- thank you as usual! I'll be sending you "stuff" soon.

John and DMarks- Baby Bear thanks

SM- We gotta do that again. Hopefully, sooner rather than later. Will write you a more personal email soon.

Dori--Thank you; his smile is sooo hard to resist. He will quickly learn to try and use it against me in the future. I just know it.

Shandra--Checked out your blog but couldn't see anywhere to leave you a message. Please contact me again and leave a method of communicating with you. Would love to help you out!

At Jul 18, 2008, 1:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ruben is very photogenic!

At Sep 1, 2009, 7:15:00 AM, Anonymous virginia said...

What a beautiful baby bear! Congratulations!

Kids' parties. Yes, for the parents and community. Yes, a celebration that you kept your kid alive for another year, or that -- at least in my case -- guardian angels were on the job even when I wasn't. But it's more. It's good to stop and acknowledge the miracle of kids and growth, because it's way to easy to rush on with the day to day to day hurry. And way to easy to not notice.... Okay, I sound mushy? Just left my baby girl at college.... and my baby-baby started high school this week.....and the big one is working on a Fullbright application, doesn't sound very babyish, does it?......The point of all this being so obvious: Enjoy it all. Every moment. It goes toooooo fast!!!

At Nov 19, 2009, 9:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids are so funny. Little girls will think Ruben is a real live baby doll. When my son was a few months old my two young neighbors (maybe 5 and 7 yrs. old) had knocked on my door and asked if Bradley could come out and play.



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