It only took 37 years...

Hi Mom,
I found this picture of you the other day. I thought it was appropriate to look at it again today.
Remember when you were this age?
Well, I just thought I'd drop you a little line. Since you've gone, I've thought a lot about our relationship. I know it wasn't what you wanted. Every time I see your photos of how beautiful you were, I wonder how hard that must have been to have a daughter that didn't look anything like you or behave in any manner as you wanted. Our troubled relationship wasn't what I wanted either. But I'm learning forgiveness and moving on. I wanted you to just accept me for who I was.. an irreverent, feisty tomboy with average (maybe less than average) looks and with an unusually strong will. In your eyes, those were not qualities befitting a young woman. You never thought I behaved much like a lady. But I have forgiven you for making me feel like I was too strange and not feminine enough.
Of course, I'm not quite at the point where I've forgiven myself for not being what you wanted. I suppose that will come in time.
But I'm sure you know now that I've gotten the one thing you really wanted for me. I have a wonderful man who's everything Dad wasn't. And now, I'm pregnant too! I'm sorry you're going to miss the birth of my child in a few months--miss he/she growing up; miss me learning how to be a mother.
It's funny to me that after all these years of thinking I could learn nothing from you, I've finally arrived someplace where I wish you were here to help me through it. It only took 37 years for me to get there but, I'm here now if without you.
Motherhood and babies were always so to you, while it was the last thing I ever imagined for myself.
I finally managed to become the kind of woman that you'd be happy with, mom. It's just a shame that the cancer couldn't hold back for a few more years. You died just before I met him; before my entire world changed.
Still, I hope you have a great view of us.
So there you have it, mom: I'm finally living that dream of yours--happily married and pregnant.
That's my gift to you, mom.
Happy Birthday.