Food Bites: British Fare and Scottish Favorites

The other day, while reflecting on my last post, my friend, Helen commented on her identification with her English background and most especially with English food. She's so happy that her local grocery store in Florida does carry English tea, chocolate, biscuits, and branston pickle.
"There's also a tea room near me and they have delectable delights such as fish 'n chips and steak 'n ale pie," she added.
Then she asked me what are my favorite British foods.
Now, for those of you who know me quite well, I can talk about food until the cows come home! And with Thanksgiving and the Christmas season just around the corner---food is all I'm thinking about these days.
While many Americans (and I suspect, continental Europeans) believe that "great British food" is a paradoxical statement, I think they'd be surprise to know there are some really tasty, noteworthy examples.
So here's my list. For general British food I've come to embrace steamed (instead of baked) sponge cakes, dessert scones, potato scones, mincemeat pies, and of course, high tea with all the tasty delicate sandwiches and mini-cakes.
When it comes to Scotland, there are some tasty goodies I never want to go without. No, I'm not going to say haggis, although I do enjoy my share from time to time.
In no particular order here are my favorites:
Scottish lamb-- there is nothing like it. We rarely eat beef now because it's just soooo succulent and flavorful. And believe me, my Andy's roast lamb is like crack cocaine!

Arboath Smokies--I've talked about them before in a previous post. Wish I could get this once a week!

stovies--there's nothing pretty about it but it is comfort food; made with potatoes and leftover roast meat.
fresh fish from Scottish waters--A mainstay in Scottish diet for good reasons! Cod, haddock, halibut, and my new one--plaice...they are all easy to get, easy to cook and taste delicious!

Cullen Skink-- a thick, DEE-licious, creamy, Scottish soup made of smoked Finnan haddock, potatoes and onions

bridie--variety of savory pies--mincemeat; onion; etc. They look a lot like Jamaican patties in shape. Actually, I do enjoy most Scottish meat pies...however, they are far from healthy so I limit my indulgences here.
If there are any amazing dishes I'm missing out on, let me know! I'm willing to try them out!