"Pride and Prejudice and Niggas"--off to Edinburgh!
Ok, so, you may not hear from me for a minute cause Andy's taking me to the biggest thing in Scotland: the Fringe festival in Edinburgh. People, I don't even know if I can explain it. Hell, I'm not even sure if I understand it. It's a huge 3-week long party that is part of some large general set of festivals that features everything and anything, it sounds. For example, within it includes the Fringe itself, but there's the International Festival the International Film Festival, the Jazz and Blues Festival, the Edinburgh International Book Festival and also the Edinburgh Military Tattoo every night at the Castle Esplanade.
Hell, we just got back from being in Aberdeen on business yesterday and off, we will head today for Edinburgh. heavy sigh...
(My dear friend R. in Delaware tells me to stop the bitching. Not everyone gets the opportunities to travel and see these festivals and shows so easily as I do. So that's what I'm trying to do. It's just that I get tired of it from time to time. Especially when I'm seeing acts that I couldn't care less about--for example: the Elvis celebration where loads of bands (indie and rockabilly formats)for one long-ass night. I won't go into a review unless asked. Let's just say, you have to be a real Elvis fan to enjoy it...which I'm not.

(sorry, Andy. I tried to tell you. I'll sit in and watch his "Blue Hawaii" movie, but as the "Fight the Power" anthem of Public Enemy says, "Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant sh*t to me you see...")
Edinburgh's The Fringe:
There will be well over 200 venues with literally tens of thousands of performers.
Course, I did check out the 200+ page guide to see what shows might be of interest to me. But who knows? This trip is for Andy's work: he has to check out these acts, particularly the comedians, for possible booking and promoting of the venues that he runs in Perth and Aberdeen.
There was one poster that Andy and I came across a month ago that caught our eye. Reginald D. Hunter is a comedian from Georgia, USA and is making it big here in the UK. Think of him as a Dollar Store version of Chris Rock.
Our reactions, for a number of racial and nationalistic reasons, were quite different.

I literally cringe, knowing this poster was displayed ALL over Edinburgh (and who knows where else) to entice people to come see the show. Where is Dave Chapelle when I need him!!
We'll be hitting Mr. Hunter's show in the next day or so. With any luck, Andy will have to meet him to book him for potential shows at his venues.
I will have reports next week.